CCP Global Toolkit – ALERRT

Case study – ALERRT CCP (Ghana)

The African coaLition for Epidemic Research, Response and Training, Clinical Characterisation Protocol (ALERRT CCP) adapted ISARIC’s CCP and its toolkit for an African context. This includes taking into account the different levels of resourcing across the continent, and the impact of COVID-19 co-infection with infections endemic in some regions, such as TB and HIV. This will help understand more about COVID-19 infections in Africa, which will be invaluable in informing successful public health decisions about COVID-19 across the continent. 

The ALERRT network is already established and conducting activities in sub-Sahara Africa, and the ALERRT CCP is an extension of that activity. The Wellcome Trust and the UK Department for International Development (DFID) have awarded a substantial grant to Dr John Amuasi from the Kumasi Center for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine (Ghana) to fund the ALERRT COVID-19 Clinical Characterisation Protocol (CCP).