Membership Application

Please note that we will only consider applications from clinical research networks that match all three eligibility criteria below:

  1. Led by clinical scientists (not necessarily doctors)
  2. Active in patient-based research in epidemic-prone infectious diseases
  3. Consists of, or have direct access to, three or more clinical research sites

If you are not sure if you are eligible or have any other questions, please get in touch with us at

ISARIC membership application form

Contact Details

Please note that the Contact Person indicated below will be considered the Member Representative for your network. Please contact the ISARIC Global Support Centre should you wish for someone else to represent the network.
Is the contact point the same as the principal investigator/director (If 'No', please fill in next section): *

If you answered 'No' to the previous question, please provide the name of the principal investigator below

Network Information

What is the academic field of work? *
What is population you are researching? *

Maximum file size: 5MB

You may upload Word (doc, docx), Powerpoint (ppt, pptx), Rich Text (rtf), plain text (txt) or PDF documents only. All other file types are prohibited. Note that your file can be no larger than 5Mb.
Trials completed? *
Access to patients? *
What is the number of research sites/hospitals which you have access to *
In the last five years, what is the clinical research experience within the Network/Organisation? *
Which type of industrial partnerships, if any, are in place for research, or the implementation of trials within your network? *
(Use control-click or command-click to select multiple countries)
Do you require any support? *
How did you hear about the Federation? *

Data protection & Declaration