Single news item strip. Can be placed anywhere on any page.

News item header (full-width post slider, 3 items, background & text overlay)

Not possible to combine existing isaric header with news items. Header can either be dynamic and contain news items, or static, as present. 

If you want to use news items in the header it’ll be important to make sure all news items have images. 

Towards rapid and secure sharing of epidemiological and clinical data to tackle emerging infectious diseases, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and ISARIC are excited to announce a new partnership for rapid ingestion, processing, standardisation, and secure sharing of global clinical data. In the next...

From silo to synergy: working together to accelerate defences against viral outbreaks – CEPI & ISARIC

Wajeeha Malik (written in collaboration with CEPI) In an outbreak, every day counts. Each unnecessary phone call or duplicative process wastes time and costs lives – especially in resource-stretched settings. There is a clear need for collaborative and coordinated...

Delphi survey launched by the ISARIC Dengue Core Outcome Set team

20 July 2024: The Dengue Core Outcome Set (DEN-CORE) team has officially launched the first round of their Delphi survey, focusing on outcomes for hospitalised patients with dengue. Individuals involved with dengue in any way are invited to participate in the...